Lack of medical optimization in chronic kidney disease (CKD) and dialysis patients is a cause for concern as it leads to life-threatening complications. Various studies have shown that poor adherence to fluid and blood pressure management increases the risk of complications in CKD patients. Complications include chronic anemia, brain dysfunction, congestive heart failure, decreased function of white blood cells, excessive bleeding, infections, weakness of bones and pulmonary complications. The cost associated with multiple ED visits and Hospitalization is staggering and unnecessary.
Mortality and morbidity rates for individuals with CKD remain high because of medical nonadherence and suboptimal vitals monitoring vigilance leading to increased morbidity and death from build-up of fluids and waste products in the body. Various impediments for remote monitoring of essential vitals include a patient’s ability, affordability, and access to technology including wifi router or bluetooth connection, smart phone availability, and easy to use advanced patient engagement connectivity.
Our proprietary Remote Dialysis Patient Monitoring System works through capture of universally available signals through robustremote connectivity with no effort or involvement from the patient. Remotely acquired data is integrated and analyzed through our rule based algorithm to predict and identify patients who are at risk for CKD or dialysis related complications.
We identify patients through our proprietary RDM system before life threatening complications, including heart failure and pulmonary complications, occur.
You will find out more about body changes and other things that can signal a problem that may need medical care
Ricky Sharma
Acute Renal failure can happen in a matter of hours
Chris Chappell
Stratification of individuals at risk for chronic kidney disease may allow optimization of preventive measures to reduce disease incidence and complications
Dennis & Margaret Furini
Acute kidney injury may be prevented by measures that maintain fluid volume and cardiac output
Darren & Sarah Sharpe
Acute kidney injury is a common but serious disorder. Knowing how it can develop enables prevention and early detection, leading to better outcomes for patients
Kevin Ellis
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Simplicity, Reliability and Scalability with minimal configuration for clinics, hospital systems and ACO’s.
RDMS technology allows forReal Time intervention to minimize unnecessary emergency clinic visits and hospitalizationsthereby saving millions of healthcare dollars for insurance companies and enhancing revenue generating dialysis services.